We’ve become so accustomed to ordering everything to our door, that it was only a matter of time before it became fruits. Forming of two long-time friends, Trapfruits London is the brainchild of company director and founder Peigh – a true creative who has worked on major advertising campaigns, as well as other ventures such as Swim Dem Crew, and Baff co-founder who also happens to be a footballer.

Together, the duo have created something simple, yet needed: a fruit box delivery that can be ordered as a one-off, or re-ordered via its weekly, or bi-weekly subscription plans. “We realised there was a need for fruits in the community”, they explain. “During the Covid-19 time of uncertainty we wanted to take the thought out of healthy eating and bring fruits straight to your door.” The service they provide is swift – with set delivery days, they serve London in its entirety, and most importantly: the fruits are of superb quality.

See, I couldn’t  *not * share.

Here’s a little more:

What inspired you to start your business? 

Baff: “We feel there’s a lack of Black green grocers within London. This becomes even more frustrating when you consider produce like plantain – it’s imported from Ghana, and we feel someone from the same background should be benefiting from [its sales].”

I’ve ordered and could tell the fruits tasted different – in a good way! Is there anything that separates your fruits from ones found in mainstream grocery stores?

 Peigh: “We carefully select fresh and organic fruits. Customer feedback is also key to our success, and we have gone back and forth with customers to get the best value for money and taste required to keep our customers not going to the likes of Tesco but instead supporting their community grocers.”

 Have you got any memorable experiences since starting that you can share?

Baff: “My favourite moment is receiving a phone call from someone I went to school with, who currently lives in Nigeria. The power of word of mouth still exists, he had heard about Trap Fruits London from a mutual friend of ours and wanted to reach out to me to discuss a business opportunity that can be built from Lagos to London. The feeling of people recognising the potential of the business inspires me to really break some ground within the food industry.”

What’s next for Trap Fruits?

Peigh: “We’ve been working on a plan to help the youth within our community with employment, and want them to understand we are here to help. We need our community and our community needs us.”